Albanian Fire Protection and Rescue Association

Our Partners

About us

Albanian Fire Protection and Rescue Association AFPRA is a non-profit organization established by Decision no. 6638 dated 18.02.2021 of the Tirana District Court with the desire, will and dedication of an initiative group aiming of extending throughout its territory its professional capacities in the field of FPR (Fire Protection and Rescue). Our independence is essential to our credibility as a center of knowledge. We do not pursue political or commercial interests, individual or not, in function of the purpose for which we were created.

AFPRA is a member of CFPA EUROPE (Confederation of European Fire Protection Associations).

The AFPRA association offers professional training courses in the field of FPR, recognized and licensed by MFE and the National Licensing Center with license number LN-5382-03-2023.

AFPRA Association is certified according to the International Standard ISO 9001:2015 of the Quality Management System by EQSC.


Updating and promoting wider technical and legal knowledge for prevention, with fire protection measures, firefighting interventions, saving lives, livelihoods, property, environment, forests and pastures in various accidents, natural disasters , as well as those caused by man, assistance in the establishment and operation of voluntary structures of FPR throughout the territory of the Republic of Albania.


Exchange of experience with different structures operating in the same field inside and outside the country as well as assistance in cases of humanitarian disasters. Establishing links and cooperation with partners inside and outside the country to enable qualification projects and specialization, and material-technical assistance for fire stations, voluntary associations of FPR and other public benefit structures.


Ligji nr.152/2015 ”Për Shërbimin e Mbrojtjes nga Zjarri dhe Shpëtimin.”

Ligji nr. 45/2016. ”Per Vullnetarizmin”

Udhezim Nr. 81 dt 06.03.2020 "Per klasifikimin e objekteve"

Ligji nr. 80/2021 "Për rregjistrimin e organizatave jofitimprurëse"


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Selia: Rruga "Barrikada" Nd.18, Tiranë, Albania

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